The DA-BFAR 2 through the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Office clinched first place in technology pitching by Ms. Sophia Gudao, who bested all contenders during the Technology Pitch Day, an initiative of the Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement – Cagayan Valley during the Technology Transfer Day on December 5, 2024 at ISU, Climate Change Building, Echague, Isabela.
Held in time for the 46th Founding Anniversary celebration of the Cagayan Valley Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development, the event aims to promote knowledge exchange between State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)/Research and Development Institutions (RDIs), and industry; as well as strengthen the cooperation and transfer of innovations.
Represented by Ms. Sophia Gudao, IP-TBM Staff and Ms. Glennys Llanto, FPSSD-FPM Staff, the DA-BFAR 2 is one of the active Consortium Member Institutions of the research consortium with head office located inside the Isabela State University – Ecahague Campus.
The (CVAARRD) Consortium is a conglomerate of 20 national government and private agencies and academic institutions that strived to promote science and technology applications for agriculture, aquatic, forestry and natural resources (AANR) sectors and provide the venue for joint planning, monitoring, evaluation and sharing of resources through collaborative interventions among its member institutions through the implementation of R&D management and coordination, strategic R&D, R&D results utilization, capability building and governance, and policy analysis and advocacy.