A slight banter and slanderous remarks to a co-worker can now send someone to jail once proven guilty of the provisions outlined in the Republic Act 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act (Bawal Bastos Law), a law that covers all forms of gender-based sexual harassment in both public and private spaces.

This came, following the orientation organized by the fisheries Bureau’s training arm through its Gender and Development program in time for the 18-day campaign on violence against women and children.

During the Orientation of the said gender-based law, Atty. Roderick N. Revilloza, Legal Officer cited instances that a person can be sued for violating any of the provisions of the Safe Space Act which threatens peace and harmony in the workplace.

An agency that promotes conducive workplace among its employees the DA-BFAR 2 ensures that its premises manifests a psychologically safe space or exhibits a working environment that promotes trust, open communication, and mutual respect. It empowers individuals to be their authentic selves, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and overall well-being.


